Gold Price Today Azamgarh

Gold Price Today Azamgarh (18k, 22k & 24k LiveGoldRates)


Gold Price Today Azamgarh:

Gold Rate Today (18K per gram)
₹ 3,869
Gold Rate Today (22K per gram)
₹ 4,729
Gold Rate Today (24K per gram)
₹ 4,965
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The gold price in Azamgarh is determined by worldwide gold prices, which can be influenced by several external factors such as a change in global standards, central bank gold book, varying interest rates, jewellery markets, etc.

Here, Get Exact Information about Gold Rates in Azamgarh Including 18 Carat, 22 Carat & 24 Carat Gold with grams wise rates. Gold is generally sold as pieces of jewellery and other related products.

We can observe that the rate of consumption of Gold is high during some important moments such as marriages, festivals, etc. Also, Individuals in Azamgarh prefer to invest in gold because they have ideally been assured and reliable with Highly Returns compared to other forms of Investments. So It’s very important to check all gold prices before buying or investing in gold. Regarding all these,  here we’ve listed the Gold prices in Azamgarh Today.


Gold Price Today in Azamgarh 18 Carat

Grams 18k Gold Rate (Today) 18k Gold Rate (Yesterday)
1 Gram ₹ 3,869 ₹ 3,836
4 Grams ₹ 15,476 ₹ 15,344
8 Grams ₹ 30,952 ₹ 30,688
10 Grams ₹ 38,690 ₹ 38,360
100 Grams ₹ 3,86,900 ₹ 3,83,600
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Gold Price Today Azamgarh 22 Carat

Grams 22k Gold Rate (Today) 22k Gold Rate (Yesterday)
1 Gram ₹ 4,729 ₹ 4,689
4 Grams ₹ 18,916 ₹ 18,756
8 Grams ₹ 37,832 ₹ 37,512
10 Grams ₹ 47,290 ₹ 46,890
100 Grams ₹ 4,72,900 ₹ 4,68,900
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Gold Price Today Azamgarh 24 Carat

Grams 24k Gold Rate (Today) 24k Gold Rate (Yesterday)
1 Gram ₹ 4,965 ₹ 4,923
4 Grams ₹ 19,860 ₹ 19,692
8 Grams ₹ 39,720 ₹ 39,384
10 Grams ₹ 49,650 ₹ 49,230
100 Grams ₹ 4,96,500 ₹ 49,230
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Find Gold Rates in Azamgarh (18 Carat, 22 Carat & 24 Carat)

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FAQs on Gold price Azamgarh today:-

Q: What are the things to check before buying gold in Azamgarh?

We need to consider many things before buying the gold, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Quality Check of Gold

It is one of the essential factors that every consumer has to check before buying Gold Jewelries. If we will not check properly, there is a possibility of buying duplicate or low-quality gold.

  • Comparison of Gold Prices from one shop to other

The Comparison of Prices is also representing a vital act before buying the Gold Jewelries. So The customer should compare the price of the gold at several jewellery shops across the city of Azamgarh.

We can notice that the making charges of the Jewelries vary from one store to another so It’s Very Important to crosscheck the Prices with the owners.

  • Any Special Seasons (Marriages, Festivals, etc,)

We can Clearly Observe that generally, the gold price will rise during the Marriages Season (April to June) and Festive Seasons also. So It’s always better to Buy earlier of these Demanded Seasons to get less prices on selected gold jewellery.

  • Material or Item Weight 

It’s Mandatory to check the weight of the Gold jewellery before making a purchase. We should check whether the price of the Gold included The gems like diamonds, pearl, and ruby, or not.

  • Check Certification of the gold

In India, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) was an individual agency to verify and confirm the gold Price of gold.


Q: Types of purities of Gold in Azamgarh?

Ans: Generally, Carats are defining the pureness of the gold Material. There are Different types of purities of gold in Azamgarh. here we have given a clear sheet about gold purities.

Available Carats Purity Level
8 Carats 33.3%
9 Carats 37.5%
10 Carats 41.7%
14 Carats 58.5%
17 Carats 70.8%
18 Carats 75.0%
21 Carats 87.5%
22 Carats 91.6%
23 Carats 95.6%
24 Carats 99.9%
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Q: How to Find Gold Price in Azamgarh Today?

Ans: Here (, you can find the Latest Updates on the Gold prices in Azamgarh. If you want to invest money in gold, It’s better to buy gold when the rate is low.


Q: Differences between 22 Carats and 24 Carats Gold?

Ans: Carat is a standard method to calculate the pureness of the gold. There are various types of Carats of gold available, but 24 Carats & 22 Carats, are mostly Considered to buy respectively.

22 Carats:

22 Carats gold is made by 22 parts of gold, and the remaining two pieces are made over other elements like nickel, silver, different mixtures.

In 22 Carats gold, only 91.67% includes purified gold. The remaining 8.33% contains other alloys.

24 Carats:

24 Carats have known as the pure form of gold. In 24 Carats Gold total of 24 parts is made up of pure form without any other alloys.
It is also known as the highest form of gold. Due to the soft nature of this 24 Carat gold is not fitting for fabricating ornaments.

Q: How are gold rates decided in Azamgarh?

Ans: Today Gold rate in Azamgarh is determined by the worldwide gold rates, which can be influenced by several external factors such as a change in global standards, central bank gold book, varying interest rates and jewellery markets, etc.


Q – Where to find Gold Price Today Azamgarh?

Ans: You can see all the latest data regarding the Gold rates as well as silver rates in Azamgarh on our website( We give the Gold Prices through different factors like that of 22k and 24 Carats. So that We regularly review the marketplace for data and will provide Accurate prices here.


Q: Is it necessary to Compare Gold prices in Azamgarh today?

Ans: Yes, It is essential to Compare Today Gold rate in Azamgarh that before purchasing the Gold, because we may get a little difference in gold prices from one shop to another shop in Azamgarh.

We could observe that the Last 10 Years ago, The gold price was very less in Azamgarh. The cost of Gold has Drastically increased day by day. So there is no exact rate for Gold, that’s why it’s always important to cross-check the gold rates twice before buying in Azamgarh.

Here We are Providing day to day live Gold Prices in Azamgarh. So you could compare all the prices and compare them with Jeweller Shops in Azamgarh.

We can also mind that some bigger jeweller shops can charge more money on jewellery making also. So It’s very important to check their Making Chargers also.


Q: What is the Hallmark gold in Azamgarh?

Ans: Hallmark refers to the certificate given by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). In India, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) was an individual agency to verify and confirm the gold Price of gold.


Q: How is gold price measured in Azamgarh?

Ans: Gold across Azamgarh can buy and sell in grams, kilograms, ounces, tolas, sovereigns & pavans. In detail, The Gold bars are can sell in kilos. Next Gold Coins can sell in grams, tolas or sovereigns. Whereas the Gold biscuits can be sold in ounces.

1 kg of gold is equal to 1000 grams.
1 gram of gold is equal to 1000 milligrams
1 sovereign of gold is equal to 8 grams
1 tola of gold is equal to 11.6638038 grams
1 pavan of gold is equal to 8 grams
1 ounce of gold is equal to 31.1034 grams


Check Historical Gold Prices (Azamgarh):


Q: What are the various types of gold hallmarks in Azamgarh?

Ans: List of Gold Hallmarks in Azamgarh:

375 Hallmark Gold – 9 Carat Gold
585 Hallmark Gold – 14 Carat Gold
750 Hallmark Gold – 18 Carat Gold
875 Hallmark Gold – 21 Carat Gold
916 Hallmark Gold – 22 Carat Gold
958 Hallmark Gold – 23 Carat Gold
999 Hallmark Gold – 24 Carat Gold

Q – What is the Gold Price Today Azamgarh?

Ans: The 18-carat, 22-carat & 24-carat gold price in Azamgarh today is:

Gold Rate Today (18K per gram)
₹ 3,869
Gold Rate Today (22K per gram)
₹ 4,729
Gold Rate Today (24K per gram)
₹ 4,965
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